April 29, 2012

Massive post!

Original Character

Ok so, here I am, again, after 56 years (felt like that)... and I apologize for my long absence, I won't promise you I will be posting frequently 'cause i don't know if I will.. but I want to do it again.. so, every time I have a camera on my hand I do promise I will take some pictures for you (:
Anyways, as usual after so much time, I have experimented many changes. First, now I have dreads all over my head lol, I wanted to make them and finally did it almost 2 months ago, and all I have to say is that I really love them.. I mean, it's so differente and I can experiment so many new hairstyles with them.. it's kinda crazy, it's true.. sometimes I want to brush it and.. of course, I can't; and I have to mantain them frequently (get back the loose hair into the dreads) which is kinda lakmfxbqfwej... don't like much to do it but it's necesary). After that... I'm just soooo busy at the institute.. I have a lot of work!! I had a job interview at Newton College (for graphic design).. but I couldn't accept it because of the time. I'm now drawing a lot, which is my passion, I'm thinking seriously of especializing at illustration, maybe starting a second career abroad. I'm leaving you many pictures, some of them kinda random, old (more than two months ago) some of them of my drawings.. which hope you like them as well as the outfit of the day (my t-shirt is neon green but it seems kinda.. other colour) (:

Pd: I'm leaving you my deviantart account, where you can see a gallery with my drawings, pictures and paintings! click here

That's all for now, see ya soon!!


Sara L.


  1. me gusta la foto los dreads por atras que son un mono.. estan preciosos

  2. Si, en moño se ven muy bien!!



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